Sewage Pollution Right to Know

The Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law (SPRTK) requires that publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and publicly owned sewer systems (POSSs) report sewage spills to the public within four hours of discovery. DEC does not issue alerts. These alerts are issued by the municipality who owns the sewer or treatment works where a sewage discharge takes place. DEC also does not make the decision on public health issues. DOH determines if there is a public health problem. DOH is notified at the time of the initial report.

NYAlert is the notification tool for municipalities to let the DEC, the New York State Department of Health (DOH) and the public know that a discharge has recently occurred. Sign-up to receive sewage discharge alerts directly to your phone, email, or text via the NY-alert system at:

Once your account is created you will want to add the Sewage Discharge Notification to your list of alerts. Make sure you include "Sewage Discharge Notifications" and click "Save".

For more information about NY-Alert, visit the NY-Alert website.