Genealogy Requests

Genealogy records for birth, death and marriage records are available through our office. These records are not public information and the search may only be done by Vital Records Office personnel.

Available Records:
  • No information shall be released from a record unless the person to whom the record relates is known to the applicant to be deceased.
  • No information shall be released unless the record has been on file for a minimum required period: birth records must have been on file for at least 75 years, death records for 50 years, marriage records for 50 years (both parties to the marriage must be deceased).
  • The time periods are waived if the applicant is a direct descendant and provides documentation of direct line descent. A party acting on behalf of a descendant shall further provide documentation that the descendant authorized the party to make such application.
  • Our records go back to 1881; however, it was not mandatory in New York State to record until 1914; therefore, many records between 1881 and 1914 were not recorded. The very early records contain little information. For example, on death records before March 1907, parents' names were not recorded. Spouse's name was not recorded on death records until late March 1920. In some cases, you might have more information than we do.
The City of Auburn has the following records:

Marriage Records - only if the license was purchased in the City of Auburn. A license can be purchased at any city or town clerk in the State of New York and the marriage can be performed anywhere in New York State; however, the record will always be on file where the license was purchased. Therefore, even if a person is married in Auburn, New York it does not necessarily mean we will have the record of marriage.

Birth Records - only if the birth occurred within the City of Auburn.

Death Records - only if the death occurred within the City of Auburn.

Note: Keep in mind some of the surrounding towns, such as Fleming, Throop, Owasco and Sennett, have Auburn mailing addresses but are not included in the City of Auburn. For these records you would contact the Town Clerk of the respective Town.

Fees: If no record is on file, a No Record Report will be issued and the fee is not refunded.

For standard search: This includes a three (3) year search. The fee is $22.00 per copy. The fee is for each name or type of record requested.

For long search: When more that a three-year search is requested the fee for each record in need of a longer search is higher according to the following schedule:

1-3 years
31-40 years
4-10 years
41-50 years
11-20 years
51-60 years
21-30 years
61-70 years
The fee applies separately to each record requested. For example, the fee for a request consisting of one birth record (1-year search), plus one death record (24-year search), plus one marriage record (11-year search) is a total of $166.00 ($22 + $82 + $62 = $166)