Water Billing & Service

Don't forget you can pay your water bill online!

City of Auburn - Water Customer Portal

The City of Auburn Water Customer Portal is now up and ready for use.

The Customer Portal uses the Sensus Analytics platform to present customer water usage data in a clear, easy-to-read dashboard. The portal is web based, so customers can access it at their convenience—and anywhere (from desktop, tablet or smartphone).  By using the portal you are getting information that you need to better manage your consumption and even alert you to potential issues such as unusually high usage or continuous use.

First time users need to set up an account.  To set up your account click here.  Please note, two key pieces of information are needed to create your account, which can be found on your water bill.  You need your Account Number and your name EXACTLY as it appears on your bill.  If you do not have a bill in front of you, send us an email which includes your name and property address, so we can get the information for you.

Once you have set up your account you will be able to access the portal.  To access the portal click here.

The Water and Sewer Billing Office is responsible for utility billing and maintenance of about 9,300 accounts. Both monthly and quarterly billing requires processing of approximately 3,000 bills each month.

As a reminder, City water bills are liens on the property where service was provided, and therefore are routinely sent to the owner of the property. Landlords and tenants should make other arrangements to obtain billing information, if the water bill, by lease agreement, is the responsibility of the tenant.

If you will like your monthly/quarterly water bill sent electronically by email please email Carol Storrs at cstorrs@auburnny.gov to make that change.   


Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Carol Storrs (315) 255-4142